Services - Virus Removal
Although a handful of rare computer viruses can do severe damage to your system,
viruses are usually do not involve much more than minor interference with normal
operating system and software operations. Occasionally a virus will affect your
system to the point that reformatting the hard drive is necessary, but usually the
problem can be solved by much simpler means.
Because we encounter virus problems so frequently, our technicians are highly
skilled in the removal of viruses and use techniques that result in minimal loss
of data. While sometimes data loss is unavoidable, we will exhaust all of our
resources to ensure that your data is almost always safely recovered.
The cost of virus removal for more complex viruses will often be a flat rate rather
an hourly rate. To completely remove all viruses from your system, we often require
to four hours of labor. The amount of time your system requires will depend on the
speed of your computer and the speed of your internet connection, among other factors.
In these cases, we will often quote both a flat rate price and an hourly rate.